TEN LEAFY VEGETABLES (PATHILAKKARY): In past, Leafy vegetables had an important and inevitable role in diet among people of Kerala. , Kerala has got a rich tradition of using these leafy vegetables as apart of health protective measures especially in monsoon period .Ten various types of” leafy vegetables” are used to make different type of cuisines which are very healthy and nutritive to our body and are seen growing plenty in monsoon period. In Malayalam it is called as “PATHILAKKARI”They are rich in Calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. The uses of these cuisines are mainly seen in karkkitaka month of Malayalam calendar. They are as follows
(a)Taalu: Bot Name- Colocasia esculenta, Family Araceae
Its tender leaf and stem are used to make Pathilakkary.The tender stem containsRaphides which causes itching sensation in body.Inorder to remove it, the outer covering of tender stem are pealed off, cut into small pieces, dipped in tamarind water, boiled and dried. Then turmeric powder is sprinkled over it, after that can be used for cooking. It should not be taken in raw form as it causes itching. The leaves are rich in Vitamins and Minerals and Tuber contains carbohydrate. This is also good for improving the Immunity as well as the strength of bones
(b)Thakara: Bot Name-Cassia Tora, Family Fabaceae
The tender leaf is the useful part for cuisines. Its actions are mainly improves the appetite, resolves the stomach discomfort, reduces the allergic nature of the body. Leaf juice is good for skin diseases.
(c)Kumbalam: Bot Name-Benincasa Hispida Family-cucurbitesia
Its good to give cooling to the body, improve the memory, improves the strength and vigor of the body. It has wormicidal action. It reduces the allergic nature of the body. The tender leaves are rubbed between hands so as to remove the hairs and can be used for cooking
(d)Mathan: Bot name-Cucurbita maxima Family-Cucurbitacea
Leaves, flowers, Fruits are used for cooking. The paste made from it is used for applying over burns, swelling. The seeds have wormicidal action.
(e)Vellari: Bot name-Cucumis sativus Family- Cucurbitacea
It is a treasure of Vitamins and minerals. It contains plenty of water.
(f)Anakkoduthoova: Bot name-laportea interrupta Family-Articacea
Leaf contains Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Vitamin A and C. The tender leaves are either rubbed or dipped in water in order to remove the itching causing hairs. Then it can be used for cooking
(g)Cheera: Bot Name Amaranthus Tricolour Family Amaranthacea
It is the most popular leafy vegetable among Kerala people. It is used for conditions such as Anaemia,Visual disorders, Lethargy. The leaf contains plenty of Calcium, Iron and Folic Acid
(h)Neyyuruni: Bot name-Diplocyclus palmatus Family-CuccurbitaceaNeyyuruni synonyms .sivalingi,iviralikkova
Useful part- leaves, stem, fruit
effective in skin diseases,increases digestivepower,prajaasthaapanam&,jwaraharam.
(i)Chena : Bot Name-Amorphophalus Paeonifolius Family-Aracea
It contains plenty of Vitamins, minerals, Proteins,Anti- Oxidants.It contains plenty of calcium oxalates crystals which causes itching. The tender leaf is used for making Pathilakkari
(j)Chaembu: Bot name-Xanthosoma Sangittifolium Family Aracea
Full part of the plant can be used for making cuisines. Tuber contains rich in carbohydrates. It contains vitamins, Minerals; Anti-Oxidants.The tender leaves in folded position are used for cooking
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